Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rodrigo João Amorim
Título: Módulo Interativo Visual de Configuração para Carga de Dados no Sistema Protheus 10
Information Technology (IT) as a tool to support business has key role in organizations. In this context, organizations are systems using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), to manage in order to maximize their goals and strategies. This paper aims to present the development of an application that has the interactive visual configuration for loading data that is imported directly from the system Protheus 10. In the methodology was used for system development the language AdvPL, since for the database was used MSSQL, which lets you configure, manage the execution of load data in corporate environments that use the ERP system as Protheus . As a result of this work was the possibility to configure and run the processes of configuration, change and import the data load without the need to modify the source code, significantly reducing the development hours of IT staff.