Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Douglas Rosemann
Título: Software para Avaliação da Segurança da Informação de uma Empresa Conforme a Norma NBR ISO/IEC 17799
The present work has for objective the development of an archetype of Software to assist in the evaluation of the adequacy of a company to norm NBR ISO/IEC 17799, technology of the information – Code of practical for the management of the security of the information. Initially the presentation of the concerns is made that the organizations possess on the security of its stored information. After that, norm NBR ISO/IEC 17799 is presented in details, having pointed the systems that the company must implement to adjust itself to the cited norm. So that if it can evaluate the adequacy of a company with relation to the described norm, a check-list was developed, through which can be verified the degree of security of the information. The archetype of considered Software allows the inclusion, alteration and/or removal of topics of the elaborated check-list. The constant topics of the check-list could inside be quantified in agreement the degree of importance of the organization. In the end of each evaluation, the degree of adequacy of the company will be represented by a note, which is gotten from the weighed mean of notes supplied to each one of the questions of the check-list.