Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Silvano Lohn
Título: Ambiente na Web para Execução e Depuração de Programas com Sintaxe Java
This paper presents the development of a web environment to help the learning of
programming algorithms. The environment has an administrative area, where the teacher
creates the exercises that will be solved by the students. The student develops in the
environment their algorithms using the Java syntax, with resources to compile, debug and run
their programmes. The environment also provides an area for a display hold the correction the
exercises, sending tips and comments to the student when the solution is incorrect. The
environment was developed with technologies Java and JSP Servlets. It used the library of
JSTL tags to facilitate the assembly of pages. Moreover, was of paramount importance the use
of Ajax in the web environment to provide the usability similar to desktop environments.