Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rafael Wilson Santiago
Título: Desenvolvimento de um Ambiente Web para apoio do Empreendedor utlizando Ajax
In this work is developed and presented an online application to help on entrepreneurship
teaching at the universities. The idea of this work came through the discipline of Information
Technology Entrepreneur at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), where the
method of teaching is a creation of a simulated company to create a business plan. The tool
was developed with a focus on user interaction with the tool, using the technique AJAX to
develop the interface and features of the system. Through this tool, it’s possible to create
companies with the main objective of creating a business plan, with the help of some other
tools available in the environment. At the end of the academic semester, the teacher can see
the created business plans, and issue the notes and ratings for each company.