Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): João Paulo Pedri
Título: FURBUP: Um Processo de Software para uso Acadêmico Baseado no OpenUp
This paper aims to present the FurbUP, a software development process, elaborated to be used
at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB) academic environment. This process was
conceived to provide a viable alternative for activities related to the software engineering
disciplines, for the academics of the computer science and information technology courses.
With the purpose of validating the process, the specification and implementation of a case
study will be presented, depicted through a laboratory booking system. Together with this
case study, it will be made available a template with its specification, in order to help them in
the development of a software product. The FurbUP is totally based on the Open Unified
Process (OpenUP), an open source software developed by the International Business Machine