Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Henkels
Título: DRAWCODE: um Plugin do Eclipse para a Geração de Código a partir de Diagramas de Classe e Diagramas N-S
This work presents the Drawcode, a plug-in for Eclipse development environment. It’s purpose is to allow editing of the class diagrams, N-S diagrams and code generation from the association of these two types of diagrams. After the creation of diagrams, it’s possible to associate a method from a class to one N-S diagram and generate code to the Java language of the defined classes, including attributes, methods and body method when associated with one N-S diagram. In both diagrams, the visual representation is updated for every change to adjust the size of the visual elements. For the generation of graphics and user control was used Graphical Editing Framework (GEF), a subproject of the Eclipse Foundation to facilitate the creation of plug-in for the environment with more friendly visual interfaces. For code generation was used engine templates Velocity.