Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Eduardo Mafra
Título: Testes de Unidade para Programação Orientada a Aspectos em Delphi
With the development gained with the object-oriented programming, the recent increase of complexity in the creation of the software inserted new challenges to the developer that the object-oriented programming do not solve. This evolution has forced the software industry to divide the development concern areas in to independent parts. The work of organize the independents parts into functionality niches is called separation of concerns. The aspect-oriented programming was conceived with the resolution offer of this problem, and with the use of the mechanism use, that allow the interests separation. However, for being a new technique, on this first years, the researchers worry about to establish the concepts and basic techniques of aspects oriented languages, leaving for a second phase the investigation of others development characteristics of aspect-oriented programs, with methods of project and research tests. In this paper, its presented a research of types and categories tests over the research on the planning of test cases. The explanation about the aspect-oriented programming techniques and their benefits. It´s extended the AOPDelphi tool (OLIVEIRA, 2006) to support the unit test for the aspect-oriented programming, and made by test definition language and for a codification environment of themselves. The tool receive access the routines with the definitions of the tests and creates as an exit a Delphi project with the single test class.