Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Valdir Steinbach Júnior
Título: Software de Geração de Filtros WMI na Criação de Regras Group Policy Objects
With the accented growth of the options of software and the hardware, the task of network administration has become very complex. The Microsoft innovated and brought for the market Active Directory and with it they had come innumerable possibilities of management and administration of security policies. The Group policy objects its growth with the sprouting of Active Directory, but with the immense number of possibilities and the growth of the numbers of machines in the company become the Windows Management Instrumentation appeared, WMI, with which possible to make the reading of information of the hardware and software machine of the customer, making possible the creation of more specific politics for determined software and hardware. This work has a purpose to present a tool that assists in the process of creation of Group policy objects tied rules WMI.