Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Fabrício Michel Sabel
Título: Protótipo de Sistemas de Informações Gerenciais Aplicado a Indústria de Beneficiamento de Couro Baseado na Rede Pert-cpm
This paper consists in a study of systems of managerial information applied in the area of Planning and Control of the Production in an industry of leather improvement. The development of this work is based in a model of the development of Systems of Managerial Information, “OPERAR” and use the techniques of PERT-CPM nets to calculate the critical way and the times of the production, applied in the prototype implementation of the System of Managerial Information for the planning and control of the execution of the production process. To elaborated the prototype, it was used the following tools and techniques: in the specification the model was followed to OPERAR and used the structured analysis, the tool CASE Power Designer 6.1 for the graphics representation of the prototype, for the creation of the databases the dBASE IV was used, and the visual interface was used Delphi 3.